Uncover who you truly are with guided shadow work, reflection exercises and habit building.Shadow work is about facing our limitations head on and finding compassion for our deepest fears.
Creativity is a two part formula. In addition to finding authenticity, we must also curate the space and systems to strengthen our creative muscles and entice our imagination.
There are infinite possibilities and opportunities out there in the world. Access my database of programmes and jobs and learn about the options you didn’t know you had! I will also conduct extra research specific to your goals and aspirations.
Human Design + Gene Keys are a modern interpretation of the ancient Yi-qing’s 64 ways (or lesson paths) combined with other ancient knowledge like Chakras, Ayuverda and TCM. It is an excellent way to facilitate self-rediscovery and to introduce yourself to physical and spiritual balance.
The body remembers. Not only does it remember, it holds trauma to protect you. I hold guided frequency cleansings, meditations and workshops on how to pay more attention to the signs the body gives.
I personalise the tools and exercises I use with each of my clients because each of you are unique and individual. You will have exercises, journals and tools to work on in your own time, and recorded sessions + notes.
This is my most holistic way of helping you uncover your Genius. A soul-guidance life coaching session with me gives you full access to everything I have to offer: energy management, creative systems building, cognitive behaviour approach, NLP approach, Eastern philosophy, Human Design, and other intuitive magick. In our sessions, you have full access to me and my soul wisdom to help you uncover your unique genius and carve out an environment conducive to your magick.
In addition to honouring ourselves and feeling connected to our spirit, to truly tune into who we are and what we stand for, we must also cultivate an environment, a practice and knowledge systems to help unlock more open, creative thinking outside of what we are seeing everyday in the mainstream. This service is for people who want to cultivate systems that deepen their knowledge, engage their creativity and work for their unique brains.
The HD/Gene Keys system is my favourite way to help people discover themselves not only in a personal way, but in a way that positions them as a part of an indivisible whole. The HD/Gene Keys system is an introductory to the bridging of a lot of different ancient knowledge systems, such as the I-Ching, Ayuverda, Chakras, Astrology and other Western & Eastern Philosophy systems. My readings are unique, because it is not only about learning 'your design' and how to stick with it, but learning about how energy flows through you, and connects you to the collective.
The best authority on you, is you. You are a reflection of source, and the spirit exists within you. When you become unsure, you look outside for the messages and the answers, but in truth, everything you need is inside of you. You are the answer, but sometimes we all need a little prodding to get connected to what's within. If you are feeling lost and want a little of guidance back to self, join me in a tarot reading aimed not at telling your future but of reading your blocks and what is keeping you from acting from deserving.